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Design by Nature’s seed mixtures – new autumn price list

From Irish garden flora to meadow mixtures, Design by Nature offer unrivalled Irish seed mixtures at reduced autumn prices.

Due to a better than projected harvest,, trading as Design by Nature, has released their new Autumn seed mixture price lists with significant discounts across the board.



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27 September 2017

All of the seed mixture are 100% Native Irish Origin Wildflower Seed Mixtures – with or without added grass. Prices are net of a VAT horticulture rate of 13.5% and are delivered by An Post.

All mixtures quoted are without added grass seed, unless requested or advised – it is always advisable to sow their seed mixtures without added grass.

100% Wildflower seed sowing rates – without added grass – one kilo of 100% flora covers 666 sq ms, 1.5g of seed covers 1 sq m.

Wildflower seed sowing rates – with added grass – one kilo of 50% flora, 50% grass covers 333 sq ms, 3g of flora and grass covers 1 sq m.

Grass seed added still needs the same amount of flora.

The minimum order is 100 grams which covers 66 sq ms. All seed mixtures are Irish wild sourced wild flora and Irish farm grown and a seed cert is provided with every order.

All mixtures should be hand sown but if you use seed spreaders, add a few grams at a time and never sow with Per’ Rye grass or other strong vigour grasses with wildflowers.

Mixtures can be sown onto ‘weed free’ ploughed or cultivated clean soil, soil fertility rises the more its worked. Never just turn a living sward, the grass will come back.

Eliminate all vegetation – work the top 2 to 5mm – and keep the seedbed, below 5cm firm.  Certain seed mixtures can be over sown into existing swards without the need to turn the soil, these are stitch sown and rolled in. They require regular cutting – three times per summer in early years. They are mainly successful on poor ground and take 3 years to establish.

The mixtures contain: annuals, biennials and perennials. The percentage of each type varies with mixtures as does grass if added.

Hardy or Cornfield Annuals makeup 10-20% depending on the mix and annuals live their entire life cycle in one season. 

Biennials makeup circa 10-15% of the mix. They flower between 12-24 months after sowing, mostly in the second year. If well maintained, many will reseed and persist for years.

Perennials dominate most mixtures making up 65-95%, again depending on the year. They germinate in the first, second, and into the third year.

In most cases, it is perennials that out compete fine grasses, but suffer from coarse grass and rudimentary weeds; that is why you must cut most meadows and clear away the dead foliage and then rake the soil between autumn – early spring to encourage the self set perennial seed to germinate.


 Irish Garden Flora Per Gram 1 Kilo 0%-Grass 1 Kilo
Links  GF: Garden suited Wildflower Seed Mixtures <1KG 1000gm 50% Grass
GF01 Small Garden Wildflower Lawn Mixture €0.18 cent  €150  €78
GF02 Simple Irish Wildflower Mixture (Starter pack) €0.18 cent  €140  €73
GF03 All-Ireland Bee n’ Pollinator Wildflower Mix (Tolerates shade) €0.18 cent €150 €78
GF04 Cottage Garden Wildflowers  (Tolerates shade) €0.20 cent  €180  €88
Yellow Rattle / Hay Rattle €0.24 cent  €200
 Irish Wildflower Mixtures Per Gram 1 Kilo 0%-Grass 1 Kilo
Links  WF: Wildflower Seed Mixtures, Suits all sites <1KG 1000gm 50% Grass
WF01 Traditional Irish Wildflower Meadow €0.18 cent €150 €78
WF02 Biodiversity WF’ Meadow Mixture  (Tolerates light-shade) €0.18 cent €150 €78
WF03 Bird Attracting Wildflora, Tall  (Cut in Spring)   NEW €0.18 cent  €130 €68
WF04 TidyTown – Avenues and Approach Roads  NEW €0.18 cent €170 €88
 Designer Wildflower Mixtures Per Gram 1 Kilo 0%-Grass 1 Kilo
Links  DW: Designer Wildflower Seed Mixtures, Suits all sites <1KG 1000gm 50% Grass
DW01 Short-Cut Wildflower Mixture – Cut every 6 weeks €0.20 cent €190 €98
DW02 Medium Height Wildflower Mixture – Cut twice In summer €0.20 cent €170 €88
DW03 Tall Wildflowers (No cut, cut in Spring) €0.18 cent €150 €78
DW04 ‘Cut and sow’ into existing meadow or lawns €0.22 cent €200 €103
DW05 Tussock and Hummocks, Tall – Can be left uncut €0.22 cent €170 €88
 Irish Meadow Mixtures Per Gram 1 Kilo 0%-Grass 1 Kilo
Links  MM= Choose by Soil Type, suits particular soils <1KG 1000gm 50% Grass
MM01 Fertile Top Soil (new top soil) €0.20 cent €180 €93
MM02 Clay Soil €0.20 cent €160 €83
MM03 Dry Loam Soil €0.20 cent €170 €88
MM04 Sandy Soil €0.20 cent €180 €93
MM05 Peat & Heathland for soil with a high peat content  NEW €0.24 cent €220 €113
MM06 Moist Soil (acid /neutral pH <7) €0.20 cent €170 €88
MM07 Dry Acid Soil (often shallow over stone) €0.20 cent €170 €88
MM08 Moist Limy Soil (alkaline, pH >7) €0.20 cent €170 €88
MM09 Dry Limy Soil (alkaline, pH 7+) €0.20 cent €170 €88
MM10 Brown Earth Neutral to Limy (pH 6./6.5 to 7) €0.20 cent €170 €88
MM11 Free Draining Soils in High rainfall areas €0.20 cent €190 €98
MM12 Infertile, Raw Sub Soil €0.22 cent €200 €103
 Irish Ecotype Mixture Range Per Gram 1 Kilo 0%-Grass 1 Kilo
Links   EC = Exact site specific mixes with appropriate species <1KG 1000gm 50% Grass

Annual or Cornfield Wildflowers

€0.07 cent € 60
EC02 Orchard  NEW €0.16 cent €130
EC03 Woodland (Shade) €0.20 cent €190
EC04 Hedgerow ( Semi- shade ) €0.18 cent €160
EC05 Wetland / Pond edge – ( Seasonally Flooded ) €0.18 cent €170 €88
EC06 Seaside Wildflower Mixture €0.20 cent €190 €98
EC07 Drumlins and Cuttings – Wildflowers €0.22 cent €210 €108
EC08 Esker Ridge / Burren type Wildflower Seed mixture-Bespoke only Price on Request Price on Request
EC09 Species Rich Amenity Grassland Native Flora – Large areas Price on Request Price on Request
EC10 Bio-Engineering Bespoke Mixture NEW Price on Request Price on Request
EC11 Green Roofs and Stone Walls €0.26 cent €240 €123
EC12 Wild Flora for Earth Banks, Bunds and Ditches €0.22 cent €200 €103

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