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Rid sportsturf of mould with MMC-Pro

MMC-Pro is a quick, easy, and biodegradable solution to mould and moss on sportsturf surfaces.

MMC-Pro is an effective way to treat and prevent mould, algae and moss on all hard surfaces, including artificial turf with no abrasive, high-pressure or steam cleaning necessary.


Sports & Parks

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16 November 2017

MMC-Pro moss killer is a dynamic combination anti-viral/anti-bacterial disinfectant, fungicide/algaecide and detergent. It kills mould, algae and moss in typically 2-4 days, and has a slow cleaning action in the following weeks and months.

MMC-Pro moss killer is suitable for use on all exterior hard surfaces including drives, roofs, paths, tennis courts, artificial sports and play turf, concrete, tarmac, and block paving.

MMC-Pro moss killer is readily biodegradable, PH-neutral, bleach and acids free, and is fully HSE-approved.



MMC-Pro is applied simply by diluting in a knapsack sprayer, applied straight to a dry surface – saturating it – and left to dry for 3-5 hours.

Dilution Rates

Knapsack Rate: 1L per 4L of water – strong. 1L per 9L of water – weak.

Boom Sprayer Rate: 10L per 40L of water – strong. 10L per 90L of water – weak.

Area Covered: 175 sq ms – 350 sq ms depending on dose rate.

Operating Conditions

  • When treating moss, ensure you apply MMC-Pro such that it is in contact with the moss stem structure and not just outer foliage.
  • Brush off any heavy growth to expose moss stem structure before treatment.
  • Apply on dry surfaces and allow for 3-5 hours prior to rainfall so that the chemical can adsorb effectively.

MMC-Pro will also affect the most common forms of lichen but it is a gradually process which can take a number of months. Thereafter, natural weathering can also take several months to remove the growth completely.

Key Precautions

Use MMC-Pro safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

Contact with plant life should be minimised. Limited run-off or over-spray onto grass, soil or hardy plants will not normally cause damage, and where heavier run-off or over-spray has occurred, the area should simply be flooded with fresh water.

To make an order or stock enquiry with NAD:
Call: (01) 843-7808 / 843-7484 – Press 1 for sales.

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