2019 ISNA Plant Fair schedule

Of the six ISNA plant fairs announced so far for 2019, two will take place in Dublin City (TBC), two will take place in Cork, and Clare and Limerick will each host a fair respectively.
12 November 2018
The Irish Specialist Nursery Association (ISNA) has released the line-up of their plant fairs to take place throughout Ireland in 2019.
As new dates are added or existing ones change, be sure to keep up-to-date regarding the ISNA’s plant fairs by keeping an eye out on their line-up.
ISNA Plant Fairs 2019
7th, Airfield Estate, Overend Way, Dundrum, Dublin 14.
14th, Fota House and Gardens, Cork.
21st and 22nd, Farmleigh Estate, Phoenix Park, Dublin TBC.
28th, Clare Garden Festival, Co Clare.
12th, Rare and Special Plant Fair, Glin Castle, Co Limerick.
24-26th inclusive, Mallow Homes and Garden Show, Mallow Racecourse, Mallow Co Cork.
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