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AIPH creates virtual online event to support recovery in the ornamentals industry

(Credit: AIPH)

Growers, breeders, traders and horticultural industry experts invited to attend unique virtual event



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27 August 2020

The International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) has created a unique virtual online event to support recovery in the ornamentals industry.

The conference aims to enable the ornamentals production and cut flowers industries to map out a path for future development.

Growers, breeders, traders and horticultural industry experts from around the world have been invited to attend the event, which will be held live September 15.

Covid-19 has made it impossible for the AIPH to host a physical ornamental industry conference this year. For the first time in its 72-year-history, it will be hosting a 3D virtual event for ornamental horticultural industry members to gather safely and discuss the way forward from this crisis.

Thirty leading plants and flowers industry figures from around the world have joined the speaker line up. Recently confirmed speakers and panellists include:

• Emma Coupe – horticulture trading manager for Marks & Spencer, UK
• Vadim Bognadov – CEO of Potted
• John Simko – president of Sunshine Bouquet Company/Esmerelda Group, USA
• Kiki Fernandes and Clement Tulezi – president and CEO of Kenya Flower Council
• Eva Dahlqvist – commercial director of Van Dijk Flora, the Netherlands
• Abe van Wingerden – co-CEO of Metrolina Greenhouses, USA
• Paul Vonk – president elect of South African Nursery Association
• Mattijs Bodegom – head of marketing & comms at Anthura, the Netherlands
• Josh McBain – consultancy director at Foresight Factory, UK

Using state-of-the-art conferencing technology, attendees will create their own 3D avatars before the event, enabling them to identify and speak with others. Delegates will be able to network with key industry figures and decision-makers in the interactive 3D environment. Sponsors and exhibitors can also reach participants, advertise, show videos and meet up at virtual booths.

“This year has given us the opportunity to create this unique event that truly brings together the leaders of the ornamentals industry and the low ticket price makes the event accessible to everyone,” said Tim Briercliffe, secretary general, AIPH. “Join us to be part of shaping our industry for the future.”

Supporting partners for the event are CIOPORA, Fleuroselect and Florint and media partners are FloraCulture International (FCI), China Flowers & Horticulture (China), Commercial Horticulture (New Zealand), Ecuador y sus Flores (Ecuador), Grower Talks (USA), Gulf Agriculture (United Arab Emirates), Horticulture Week (UK), Il Floricultore (Italy) and Pod Osłonami (Poland).

To join the conference and access the virtual world, register here before 15 September. The fee to attend is £55. For more information, visit

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