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New Turf Rewards for Ireland announced

New for 2022, Turf Rewards products will now have lower thresholds to earn points


Sports & Parks

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19 May 2022

ICL and Syngenta have launched the Turf Rewards for 2022, which now features separate schemes for the UK and Ireland.

Turf Rewards provide the opportunity for customers to earn points from purchases that can then be exchanged against a fantastic selection of agronomic or turf related items and learning opportunities.

New for 2022, Turf Rewards products will have lower thresholds to earn points. For example, in 2021, Turf Rewards customers would need to purchase 25 bags of SierraformGT or ProTurf to get five points. However, this year customers would only need to purchase 12 bags of either to earn three points.

With an extensive range of items already on offer, a new reward for Ireland haa been announced.

  • Join or renew your Association of Turfgrass Professionals Ireland (ATPI) membership.

This new reward has been added to popular rewards for the Irish market such as Caulfield Industrial vouchers and the TDR350 moisture meter.

If you would like to find out more about Turf Rewards visit

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