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Teagasc and DAFM support horticulture sector recruitment drive

The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection's (DEASP) employer relations team will drive the overall process of direct engagement with, and shortlisting of, potential recruits.



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5 May 2020

A national recruitment campaign to recruit a large number of temporary workers for the horticulture sector from the Live Register within Ireland is being led by the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP).

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) and Teagasc have partnered with DEASP to support the campaign with the support of horticultural producers represented by the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA).

Teagasc is facilitating horticultural producers to input details of available open positions for seasonal workers through an online form. The purpose of this exercise is to map the locations, roles, and numbers required.

On foot of this mapping exercise, this information will be notified to DEASP. DEASP’s employer relations team will then work to attract willing and able workers to the roles.

They will drive the overall process of direct engagement with, and shortlisting of, potential recruits. Those being contacted will be resident in Ireland and currently unemployed – not on temporary lay-off due to Covid-19 restrictions.

The employer relations team will match possible clients to the producers who have identified vacancies through Teagasc. Horticulture producers will receive names and email addresses of possible candidates.

The producers will be responsible for interviewing, selecting, and appointing suitable candidates to the vacant jobs. The producers will also be asked to update the employer relations team if clients referred by them have been successful and are appointed to roles.

The jobs identified by the employers will also be publicly advertised on so that they are visible to everyone looking for employment.

To provide open positions for seasonal workers, see here.

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