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AIPH hosting virtual Plant Health Conference

Those involved in the ornamental horticulture supply chain invited to attend



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11 February 2021

The International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) is inviting all those involved in the ornamental horticulture supply chain to attend its virtual Plant Health Conference, ‘Working Together for Better Plant Health’.  The online conference will take place on 24 March 2021 and is free to attend for registered participants.

The conference, organised in association with the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH 2020) and FloraCulture International (FCI) magazine, will focus on what the industry itself is doing to tackle the threats posed by notifiable pests and diseases.

The objectives of this conference are:

  • To share best practice and experiences from industry-led initiatives that reduce plant health risks
  • To present research on plant health initiatives in different countries
  • To determine interest in more global cooperation on plant health initiatives

“Every country has its own regulatory framework for controlling plant health but in many cases, this has not been effective enough to prevent the spread of pests and diseases, with Xylella being an example,” said Tim Briercliffe, secretary general, AIPH. “In many countries growers and their associations have taken their own action to ensure best practice is followed and to inject renewed confidence into the supply chain because, at the end of the day, good plant health is essential for a thriving industry.”

The conference will be opened by Ralf Lopian, chair of the International Steering Committee for the IYPH 2020, and speakers that follow will be from the ornamentals industry and will explain about national plant health initiatives led by industry in different countries.

Many countries have introduced schemes, certification and initiatives, and this conference enables these to be reviewed and compared, and importantly, provides the platform to assess the need for more international collaboration that will further strengthen the industry and reduce plant health threats for the future. Within the conference programme, AIPH will present the results of the first international survey of national plant health initiatives.

According to the AIPH, this conference will be of interest to growers, breeders, traders, retailers, associations, exhibitions, regulators, and anyone that cares about reducing plant health threats while maintaining a thriving horticultural trade.

To register for the event, visit:

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