BioLift Plant Care named Best New Product at GLAS 2015

BioLift Plant Care from XL Horticulture beat submissions from 30 other companies to be named Best New Product at GLAS 2015
24 July 2015
Following extensive judging of products submitted by over 30 companies GLAS show judges Paddy Gleeson and Gerry Daly named BioLift Plant Care from XL Horticulture as the Best New Product at GLAS 2015.
BioLift Plant Care is a natural and safe easy to use a liquid source of Species Rich Diverse (SRD) biology which is derived from Vermi compost that stimulates plant growth and suppresses soil borne diseases like phytopthora and fusarium.
The product is currently used by many of the UK’s leading football, rugby and golf clubs, as well as several large hardy nursery stock producers because it is safe, cost effective, and works. The sales distributor for Ireland is Keating Amenity Solutions Ltd, 0868 045 101.
Commenting on the product judge Gerry Daly said “This is a completely natural product that delivers large numbers of soil microflora that boosts root action, and depresses soil pest and pathogenic activity. It is a sustainable product with no negative impact on plants or the environment. It is a good example of the continuing move towards bio-active solutions in amenity horticulture.”
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