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Bionema launches cold-tolerant nematode product

Insecticide was used to control vine weevil, sciarids and aphids on ornamental plants. Photo: Martin Cooper.

Bionema has launched a new cold-tolerant nematode pest control product after three years of field trials.



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22 April 2020

Bionema has released NemaTrident CT (cold-tolerance) which contains Heterorhabditis downesi and offers a chemical-free, low-temperature solution to greenkeepers, sports turf managers, crop growers, plant producers, and arboriculturists who are finding it difficult to control pests in lower temperature soils.

The product provides protection against a wide range of agricultural, horticultural, and forestry pests; including vine weevil, pine weevil, chafer grubs, leatherjackets, and cutworms and offers successful results when used in the late-spring and autumn, when soil temperatures can dip to as low as 5°C.

It is an also effective alternative to traditional chemical products which have been withdrawn from the market, due to EU chemical pest control regulations.

The NemaTrident tri-component range comprises different species of naturally occurring, beneficial entomopathogenic nematodes within the Heterorhabditis and Steinernema genera.

The main components comprising the NemaTrident solution are:

  • Selected nematode species.
  • A biocompatible wetting agent.
  • Training and advice.

“Three-year product trials in the horticultural, sport turf, forestry, and arboriculture sectors included different nematode species. The final product offers a unique solution that provides 20-30% higher efficacy than existing products in the market – and delivers up to 95% kill rate”, said Dr Minshad Ansari, founder and CEO of Bionema.

NemaTrident is available to professional users in the UK and EU through dedicated distributors including Rigby Taylor, Dejex Horticulture, Farmyard, Medinbio and Progreen.

Photo: Vine Weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) by Martin Cooper is licensed under CC BY.

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