Cullion Hurling Club seeks sportsturf provider for pitch replacement

Cullion Hurling Club seeks sportsturf professionals for the complete removal and replacement of their all weather pitch.
10 April 2019
At Growtrade we highlight public procurement opportunities from around Ireland that would be suitable to professional landscapists, growers, turfgrass professionals, horticulturalists, and forestry professionals.
Here is one such tender, suitable for sportsturf providers, from Cullion Hurling Club, Co Westmeath.
Documents pertaining to these tenders are available to download following an expression of interest.
Detailed description: Replacement of all weather pitch: Remove existing all weather pitch surface and replace with LIMONTA 60mm carpet filled with sand and rubber, and all associated site works at Cullion Hurling Club, Cullionmore, Mullingar, Co Westmeath.
Type of contract: Works.
Contracting authority: Cullion Hurling Club, Robinstown, Westmeath, Mullingar, Ireland. Contact: Gerry Gillen.
Response deadline: 26-04-2019, 15:00 (Irish time).
Currency: EUR.
CPV codes: 92000000-1 Recreational, cultural and sporting services.
Check out this tender and apply for it here.
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