DAFM issues trader notice on plant imports from third countries

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) has issued a trade notice reminding the industry of the requirements for importing plants from a third country.
29 July 2020
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM), through a trader notice, is seeking to remind all professional operators involved in the import of plants and plant products into Ireland from third countries, that under Official Controls Regulation (EU) 2017/625, they are required to be registered with DAFM.
It is also a requirement that these individuals register with the European Commission’s TRACES NT system.
These requirements apply to the following professional operators:
- Importers of plants and plant products.
- Customs agents involved in the import of plants and plant products.
- Customs clearance brokers involved in the import of plants and plant products.
- Operators responsible for the consignment involved in the import of plants and plant products.
Professional operators involved in the import of plants and plant products are requested to familiarise themselves with the updated procedures. These procedures can be found here.
Existing Operators please note from the close of business July 30, 2020:
- The process of issuing Colorado Beetle (CB) Licences for consignments arriving through Dublin Airport will discontinue.
- The process of emailing documentation to plantandhortimports@agriculture.gov.ie will also discontinue.
- Applications for import of plants and plant products must be made via TRACES NT and all documentation and logistical information must be submitted via DAFM’s new Imports Control Portal. The relevant procedures can be found here.
The Imports Control Portal together with TRACES NT will facilitate DAFM’s efficient processing of applications to import regulated consignments of plants and plant products from third countries into Ireland.
In the event that you have any queries in relation to registering with the department, please contact this office either by emailing plantimports@agriculture.gov.ie or alternatively by telephone (01)5058885. For queries in relation to TRACES NT email TRACESNT-plants@agriculture.gov.ie.
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