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Envirico remain open to trade

The Envirico logo. Photo: Envirico.

Envirico are still open and trading during the Covid-19 pandemic; following government and healthcare guidelines to carry out invasive species treatments.



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25 March 2020

Envirico is an environmental and invasive species control company built to tackle any invasive species problem, on land or in water.

Envirico offers custom-made solutions to their clients’ circumstance and design all management plans on a site-by-site basis in accordance with best practice.

During this difficult time for the horticulture industry, Envirico wanted to reiterate to their clients and the industry that they are open for business.

In a letter addressed to their clients, Envirico mentioned several measures to protect the health and safety of their staff and clients:

  • All staff are carrying out their office work from home until further notice.
  • Surveys/treatments will still go ahead, but clients are asked to avoid meeting with Envirico on-site unless absolutely necessary. If deemed necessary, social distancing will be maintained at all times.
  • Personnel will avoid travelling to sites together and will maintain social distancing at all times.

Envirico noted that as the Irish situation currently stands, they will be able to commence invasive species treatments at the appropriate time, so there will be no impact on clients’ current treatment schedule.

If this was to change, clients will be contacted to be made aware of any likely impacts, and on how Envirico will resolve these impacts going forward to ensure effective eradication.

For more on Envirico, see here.

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