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Glanbia payment seeks to boost biodiversity on dairy farms

Pictured at the Glanbia Ireland CountryLife Garden Centre in New Ross, County Wexford were horticulturalist Noel Leacy and branch staff member, Ellen McCarthy. Photo: Patrick Browne.

A team of horticulturalists are available at Glanbia Ireland CountryLife Garden Centres to provide advice on boosting biodiversity to dairy farmers.



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3 June 2020

Glanbia milk suppliers are encouraged to visit one of the 14 Glanbia Ireland CountryLife Garden Centres, where a team of qualified horticulturalists are available to advise them on how to continue to enhance biodiversity on their farms, as part of biodiversity payment scheme.

The measures Glanbia Ireland is encouraging dairy farmers to consider for their farms are:

  • Riparian buffer strips on watercourses.
  • Creating shelter belts and wildlife corridors.
  • Pollinator plots.
  • Planting additional hedgerows and native trees this autumn.

“We know that our milk suppliers are proud custodians of their natural environment.”, said Sean Molloy, chief agribusiness growth officer at Glanbia Ireland.

Molloy continued: “Protecting and improving the already high standards of biodiversity on Irish dairy farms is key to meeting the environmental challenges of reducing greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions, increasing carbon capture, and improving water quality. This payment is a recognition of what is already being achieved on our milk suppliers’ farms and also to encourage even more progress.”

Advice and guidance on enhancing farm biodiversity will be available to milk suppliers. For example, in the autumn planting season, Glanbia Ireland’s network of agribusiness branches will provide family dairy farms with advice and special offers on appropriate native trees and hedgerow plants to boost biodiversity.

Later this year, a survey of the 4,500 family farms supplying milk to Glanbia Ireland will be undertaken to measure progress and provide advice on enhancing the standard of biodiversity on Irish farms.

Improvement in key environmental measures is a key focus of the five-year Glanbia Ireland Teagasc Future Farm programme, launched in 2019.

The 0.20* cent per litre (cpl) unconditional biodiversity payment was made over the previous week to all Glanbia Ireland dairy farmers based on the amount of milk supplied in April. 

*The payment of 0.20 cpl is inclusive of VAT and adjustment for constituents (0.18cpl ex VAT at 3.6% butterfat and 3.3% protein)

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