Management services needed for peatland restoration project

The Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage is seeking a coordinator that will manage the Shared Island Fund restoration project in Ireland
7 December 2023
At Growtrade, we highlight public procurement opportunities from around Ireland that would be suitable to landscapers, growers, turfgrass professionals, horticulturalists, and forestry professionals.
Here is one such tender for provision of services for management of Shared Island Fund peatland restoration project.
National Parks and Wildlife Service via Wild Atlantic Nature LIFE IP has secured funding under the Shared Island Programme for peatland restoration in the Ireland, Northern Ireland and Scotland. The initiative is led by a partnership of LIFE IP Wild Atlantic Nature (WAN), National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) with the Northern Ireland Environment Agency, Nature Scot and Peatland Action. The overall coordinator will manage the project(s) in Ireland, and, amongst other things, will be responsible for coordinating across stakeholders to create synergies across sectors and ensuring cohesion with the work in Northern Ireland and Scotland.
Type of contract: Services
Contracting authority: Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage
Contact: Derek McLoughlin
Response deadline: 08/01/2024 15:00 (Irish time)
CPV codes:
90710000-Environmental management
90720000-Environmental protection
45454100-Restoration work
45112360-Land rehabilitation work
77231000-Forestry management services
90711500-Environmental monitoring other than for construction
You can view and apply for this contract here.
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