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Modernise your growing practices with Quickpot trays

When Quickpot trays reach end-of-life they can be washed, ground and used as input for the production of recycled film to manufacture more trays. Photo: Herkuplast.

Single-use propagation trays are both costly for the environment and for your pocket. Consider implementing Herkuplast's Quickpot trays into your growing cycle and see what difference they might make.



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19 December 2018

PG Horticulture has earned a reputation for being the specialists when it comes to helping growers choose which propagation trays will work best for them, and for designing and developing new trays.

In an ever-conscious world of the impact of single-use materials on our environment, Herkuplast and its UK and Ireland partner PG Horticulture Ltd are actively promoting the use of long-life propagation trays over single use trays in the commercial growing industry.

Herkuplast’s Quickpot trays are made from heavy-duty re-usable polystyrene, with materials obtained only from first class recycled sources. This recycled material receives the best UV treatment ensuring the trays withstand the negative effects of light. The high quality and rigidity of Quickpot trays enable efficient handling, filling, seeding, and plant extraction.

Treated with care, Quickpot trays will last up to 10 years, and beyond. When Quickpot trays reach end-of-life they can be washed, ground and used as input for the production of recycled film to manufacture more trays.

Our processes and products benefit the environment for the long term, but also professional growers adopting Quickpot trays will substantially reduce production costs by utilising, and re-using long-life trays.

QuickPot trays are ideally suited to all kinds of propagation and growing, including Ornamentals, Nursery Stock, Soft Fruit and Tree production.

  • Heavy duty Trays lasting up to 10 years
  • Trays ranging from 6 to 576 cells
  • Many cell depth options available
  • Round, square and octagonal cell
  • Danish, Euro, Standard and Paper Pot

To find a QuickPot tray that’s perfect for your growing situation, visit and

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