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Several plant species banned from trade in the EU

Terrestrial plants that have been banned from trade include: Hakea sericea, Celastrus orbiculatus and Persicaria wallichii 



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11 August 2022

A total of 22 plants and animals have been banned from trade in the EU from 2 August.

Terrestrial plants that have been banned from trade include: Hakea sericea, Celastrus orbiculatus and Persicaria wallichii synonym Koenigia polystachya. Water plant Pistia stratiotes or water lettuce is also on the list.

Other plants already on the list include Gunnera tinctora, Ailiantus altissima Giant Balsam Imaptiens glandulifera. 

Taking into account the long-term investments made by the growers of Pistia stratiotes L. and Celastrus orbiculatus  in some member states, the  EU has stated that the inclusion of these species on the list will be be subject to a transition period.

For more information, or to see the full list of invasive plants, terms and conditions visit:

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