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Small Talk with Ronan Nangle of Nangle & Niesen Ltd

Ronan Nangle of Nangle & Niesen Ltd

Ronan discusses his career beginnings, highlights, challenges and recent successes within the horticulture industry



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12 July 2024

In association with Tully Nurseries

At Growtrade, we’re running an interview series titled ‘Small Talk’, where we talk to various influential members of Ireland’s horticulture trade. This month’s conversation is with Ronan Nangle, managing director of Nangle & Niesen Ltd.

How did you get your start in horticulture?

I grew up on a traditional family run garden centre and rose nursery in Cork. Started budding roses when I was 10. Worked there at weekends and in the summer months for my school days. It wasn’t something I pursued in college – totally different career in economics and public relations – and I kind of fell back into it. Started work in Nangle and Niesen in my late 20’s and haven’t looked back since.

What was one of the proudest moments in your career to date?

Winning the contract to supply trees to Adare Manor and being involved in the process of the implementation was pretty cool and exciting. It came at a great time for the business. Recently, we were very involved in the selection of trees for an amazing project for Ballymore Group in the 8th Lock development. It was very complicated and technical, but the result has been a huge success and after just two growing seasons it looks very impressive. The ongoing development of Ballincollig Regional Park is close to home and always makes me proud, but having said all that, steering the company through the last recession was my proudest moment – and greatest relief!!

What was one of the greatest challenges you’ve faced in your career to date?

The recession of 2008-2013. It was an unprecedented time. Myself and my former business partner Mathew Niesen, had just bought the company in January 2008. The market just collapsed, sales plummeted, and we couldn’t give trees away! The company had significant debt and it was a tough time for the company and all our fantastic employees. We had to adapt quickly and developed a good export market to the UK. Gradually our sales increased, and demand has gotten stronger every year.

Give us an example of a recent success you had in your work.

A bit left of field, but installing WinTree Nursery Manager stock management system has been a game-changer in the office. It has increased efficiency and productivity and reduced waste. Not sure how we managed before we had it!

What are the greatest challenges facing the industry today?

Becoming a grown-up industry that can attract people to join the horticultural sector and pay them enough so they can buy a house and live a decent life. We should be able to compete with other sectors like the construction industry. At the moment, we are not there. Unless we value ourselves more, we won’t get there. 

What are the greatest opportunities facing the industry today?

As a country, I really believe we have only started our journey in greening our environment. Every house, housing estate, school, village, town and city, public park, commercial development and urban and rural space will need plants and trees. If we can rise to the challenge and meet the demand, the future is bright.

What advice would you give to someone just starting their career in horticulture?

Education, travel, experience. Get trained up and make yourself a valuable commodity. Don’t be afraid to take chances – the industry needs risk takers to drive the sector forward.

What are your hopes for the future of Irish horticulture?

Generally, that the industry continues to grow, has better access to finance, is more profitable and attracts and rewards good people. Specifically, that the Greens win an overall majority and stipulate that Cork trees are to be planted in every county in the country!

Nangle & Niesen Ltd is a wholesale tree nursery specialising in Irish trees for both domestic and export markets. They grow trees ranging from 6-8 cm to over 50 cm in girth, serving clients such as public authorities, landscape contractors, architects, designers, and golf courses.

Small Talk is produced in association with Tully Nurseries, one of Ireland’s wholesale nurseries supplying landscape contractors, garden centres, DIYs and supermarkets in Ireland and the UK. For more visit

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