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Survey on digital marketing in the garden retail industry launched

Garden Connect survey to examine opportunities and challenges of the last twelve months



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19 February 2021

It has been a turbulent year for  the garden retail industry. From massive shortages, to huge plant sales, to being forced to close entirely, garden retailers have been dealing with ample change over the last twelve months.

This brings new challenges to business owners, as well as opportunities – especially online. In fact Garden Connect said it has “seen many garden centres start click and collect schemes, local SEO marketing and full-blown webshops. In most cases leading to increased revenue.”

In an effort to learn from this time, Garden Connect is launching a survey to determine how digital marketing in the garden retail industry has fared throughout the pandemic.

“In regards to a study that brings all of these changes in digital marketing for garden centres into the scope, we are interested in how this has affected you,” said the company in a statement. “What are your thoughts on digital marketing? What are your motivations and challenges? Please help us gain more insight into this by answering a few questions. Responding to this survey will only take a few minutes and is completely anonymous.”

Once the study is complete, Garden Connect said it will publish the results so that everyone can benefit. Participants can also opt-in for a chance to win one of five copies of the bestselling book ‘Start with Why’ by Simon Sinek.

To participate in the survey,  click here.

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