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Tender for planting and maintenance of Fingal Council’s summer, winter floral display baskets

Image by Manfred Richter from Pixabay

Suggested plants for winter displays are pansies, primulas, violas, ivy’s, arabis, aubrietia, and alyssum



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1 December 2022

At Growtrade, we highlight public procurement opportunities from around Ireland that would be suitable to landscapers, growers, turfgrass professionals, horticulturalists, and forestry professionals.

Here is one such tender from Fingal County Council, which invites tenders from competent service providers for the planting and maintenance of 837 council-owned summer/winter floral display baskets/planters for various locations and the supply of a limited number of units.

The summer floral display shall consist of plants such as geraniums, petunias, verbenas, lobelias, begonias, fuchsias, sanvitalia, bidens to ensure a colourful display for five months and shall contain sufficient variety to ensure that displays will thrive in both sun and the partial-shade conditions at certain locations along the main streets. Suggested plants for winter displays are pansies, primulas, violas, ivy’s, arabis, aubrietia, alyssum and spring flowering bulb.

Type of contract: Services

Contracting authority: Fingal County Council, Main Street, Dublin, Swords
Contact: Joan Brosnan

Response deadline: 19/12/2022 12:00:00 (Irish time)

CPV codes

77330000-2  Floral-display services

You can view and apply for this contract here.


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