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The latest trends from the Bord Bia Thinking House

The Thinking House at GLAS 2018. Photo: Joe Keogh.

The Thinking House gives Ireland’s horticulture industry unrestricted access to the latest global trends, research, consumer insights, and industry innovations.



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31 July 2018

Grace Binchy, insight and innovation specialist with Bord Bia, provided a presentation on the Bord Bia Thinking House’s latest trends for 2018.

Binchy’s role in Bord Bia involves working with food and drinks companies from start-ups to more well established companies, working with them to understand the importance of the consumer and how best to develop their brand for the marketplace.

The Thinking House gives Ireland’s horticulture industry unrestricted access to the latest global trends, research, consumer insights, and industry innovations.

The creative space includes a “Trends Zone” to highlight the latest innovations from around the world, and a “Packaging and Branding” gallery to promote best in class design and to showcase Bord Bia’s recent work with Irish producers.

The “Living Room” and its adjacent viewing room, allows Bord Bia to conduct qualitative focus and discussion groups, while the library presents invaluable access to a wide range of databases and reports that would heretofore have been financially prohibitive to source for many small to medium-sized companies working in the industry.

Bord Bia’s Insight and Innovation services are open to all Irish producers, and a number of nurseries have utilised its brand development programme over recent years, with two projects currently in progress.

To learn about the current market trends affecting professional horticulturalists in Ireland, read Binchy’s presentation here.

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