DCC to establish Panel of Landscape Architectural Consultants

The office of Government Procurement's website is designed to be a central facility for all public sector contracting authorities to advertise procurement opportunities and award notices.
30 April 2018
Dublin City Council (DCC) wishes to establish a Landscape Architectural Consultants panel for the second year running which will provide consultancy works for minor works contracts.
Panel of Landscape Architects – Year 2 of the Panel of Landscape Architectural Consultants
Detailed description: DCC wishe to re-advertise the panel of Landscape Architectural Consultants which was established in 2017.
Firms are invited to apply by forwarding a completed application form and relevant company details. The panel is formed for a three year period. This is its second year. The panel is advertised annually.
The panel will provide consultancy services including technical, design, and project management services for minor works contracts (less than €500 ex. VAT). The panel will also be used to provide technical services including any or all of the services required in stage I to V of a public works project.
Type of Contract: Services
Contracting authority: Dublin City Council, Civic Offices, Wood Quay
Dublin, Dublin 8, Ireland. Contact: Brid Brosnan
Response deadline: 18-05-2018 12:00 (Irish time)
Currency: EUR
Main CPV code: 71420000-8 Landscape architectural services
CPV codes: 71400000-2 Urban planning and landscape architectural services
You can get the full details on this tender and download the relevant documents here.
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