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Demystifying the digital world with GIMA

Delegates will be provided with real tangible advice and best practice guidelines that can be quickly and easily implemented within existing online platforms including social media channels.

This exclusive event will focus on how companies can maximise their online presence, through improved website communication and social media strategy.



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26 April 2017

In June, The Garden Industry Manufacturer’s Association (GIMA), together with PP8 Marketing, will run a special interactive workshop entitled ‘Demystifying the Digital World’ for garden suppliers and manufacturers.

Websites and social media can be one of the best investments a company makes. Demystifying the Digital World aims to provide practical advice and tips to enable companies to maximise their online presence, through improved website communication and social media strategy.

The event is designed to debunk common myths regarding online strategy. Delegates will be provided with real tangible advice and best practice guidelines that can be quickly and easily implemented within existing online platforms including social media channels.

Paula Parker of PP8 Marketing (and previously marketing
director of Scotts Miracle Gro) will lead the workshop, bringing with her extensive knowledge of both web and social media strategy building.

An experienced marketer, Paula Demystifying the Digital Worldwill interpret everything from the different social media platforms to effective planning tools, setting realistic online return-on-investment, and the role of trade portals.

Vicky Nuttall, GIMA Director said: “From demystifying common terms, advice on how to build a realistic social media plan, and top tips on how to improve websites, to communicating more effectively with target audiences; the workshop will help any garden supplier or manufacturer to take their online presence to the next level. It’s set to be a valuable event for those that attend.”

The GIMA Workshop – Demystifying the Digital World, is open to all GIMA members. Further information including how to register for the event can be found HERE

The event will take place on June 15th at The Horticulture Trade Association’s Horticulture House in Oxfordshire (10:00am – 3:30pm, including lunch)

Price: GIMA members – £130 + VAT, non-members – £170 + VAT Price. The price includes lunch & refreshments.

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