Dublin City Council requires all-weather sports facilities works

Includes the refurbishment of an all-weather pitch at Eamonn Ceannt Park
23 February 2023
At Growtrade, we highlight public procurement opportunities from around Ireland that would be suitable to landscapers, growers, turfgrass professionals, horticulturalists, and forestry professionals.
Here is one such tender from Dublin City Council for the establishment of a multi-party framework agreement of contractors for the construction of all-weather sports facilities with the initial contract for the construction of full size Third Generation all-weather pitch at Kildonan Finglas, and third generation refurbishment of an all-weather pitch at Eamonn Ceannt Park.
Type of contract: Works
Contracting authority: Dublin City Council, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8
Contact: Eddie OGara
Response deadline: 31/03/2023 14:00:00 (Irish time)
CPV code
45112720-8 Landscaping work for sports grounds and recreational areas
45111240-2 Ground-drainage work
45112600-1 Cut and fill
45113000-2 Siteworks
45236110-4 Flatwork for sports fields
45236112-8 Flatwork for tennis court
45236119-7 Repair work on sports fields
45236250-7 Flatwork for parks
45317000-2 Other electrical installation work
45340000-2 Fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work
You can view and apply for this contract here.
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