ICL tank-mix: ‘the perfect family’
Mark Heath, course manager at the Vale Golf Club in Worcestershire, says his new ICL tank-mix as improved the greens to no end
16 November 2020
Three years ago, Mark Heath, course manager at the Vale Golf Club, introduced a new ICL tank-mix into his greens’ maintenance programme. The results, according to Heath, were a resounding success – he now affectionately calls it the perfect family.
Based in Worcestershire, England, Vale Golf Club provides golfers with extensive facilities including a par 74, 18-hole golf course and a 9-hole shorter course.
“Managing the 27 greens we have at the Vale Golf Club takes commitment and trust in the products that I use on a monthly basis,” said Heath. “With this in mind I was looking to make some improvements and three years ago I changed my greens nutrition programme to a combination of Vitalnova Stressbuster, Greenmaster Liquid CalMag and Vitalnova SeaMax. I have never once regretted this decision.”
These three products complement one another: Vitalnova Stressbuster pre-conditions turf against stress, helps generate a quick recovery and helps stimulate the bacteria in the soil; Greenmaster Liquid CalMag has been proven to boost turf health where calcium and magnesium are required; and Vitalnova SeaMax, which contains seaweed extract, works towards improving improve turf colour, turf quality, root development and stress tolerance.
Throughout summer, Heath combines Vitalnova Stressbuster at 40 L/ha, Greenmaster Liquid CalMag at 20 L/ha and Seamax at 10 L/ha. “This tank-mix not only delivers a steady growth pattern daily but also provides a total healthy package to both the root and the leaf itself” said Heath. “The three products mixed together gives amino acid for leaf and foliar uptake needed in times of stress; calcium and magnesium to boost the plant and promote it to stay healthy; and a concentrated seaweed that improves turf colour but also aids root development. When winter arrives, I simply reduce the application rates by half.
“This year I’ve also added Syngenta’s Ryder at 1 L/ha to the mix,” he continued. “It is a great turf pigment which helps to combat recent high daily temperatures. It’s a bit like a sun cream for turf and it works wonders. This tank-mix has improved the greens no end and it is for this reason that I think of these products as the perfect family – my greens truly embrace them.”
For more information, contact ICL on 01473 237100 or visit www.icl-sf.ie
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