ICL webinar to highlight the latest on native invasive weeds
Seminar will feature keynote speaker Dr Dan Jones, managing director of Advanced Invasives
23 November 2020
ICL will hold a live online webinar entitled ‘UK & Ireland Native Invasive Weeds: The Importance of Biology’ on 30 November.
Running from 3-5pm, the seminar will feature keynote speaker Dr Dan Jones, managing director of Advanced Invasives, who presented ICL’s trilogy of Invasive Science Lite online webinars earlier in the year.
Despite Invasive Non-Native Plants (INNPs) capturing the headlines, native weeds can also become invasive, growing and spreading quickly to crowd out other native plants and reducing biodiversity.
Similarly to INNPs, native invasive weeds can be difficult to manage and to control them better, we need to understand their biology and ecology. This knowledge enables us to target control measures more effectively and efficiently, and also allows us to avoid control measures that will be ineffective and/or expensive for our clients.
This webinar reviews current management practice for the rhizome-forming native weeds Field horsetail and Ground elder in the context of how these plants grow, reproduce and sit within the wider landscape ecology. Highlighting similarities and key differences between these species, the webinar will provide better understanding of the unique management challenge that these species present, in addition to providing practical, long term and sustainable recommendations for rhizome-forming native weed management.
Registration is required. Full details about how to join the webinar will be sent once you’ve registered. For more information and to register please go to https://bit.ly/ICLIV4
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