Invasive plant eradication tender for Glenveagh National Park

Glenveagh National Park seeks landscape professionals for the eradication of invasive plant species. The deadline for application is May 24.
19 April 2019
At Growtrade we highlight public procurement opportunities from around Ireland that would be suitable to professional landscapists, growers, turfgrass professionals, horticulturalists, and forestry professionals.
Here is one such tender, suitable for professional landscapers specialising in plant eradication, for Glenveagh National Park. The Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht are responsible for the tender and all applications will be sent to them.
Documents pertaining to the tender are available to download following an expression of interest.
Description: The main aim of this contract is to clear any invasive species of all age classes in five mapped compartments, over a five year period (2019-2023), in the national park, subject to funding being made available each year.
Type of contract: Services.
Contracting authority: Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, 23 Kildare Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Contact: James Mc Ginley.
Response deadline: 24-05-2019 12:00 (Irish time).
Currency: EUR.
CPV codes:
03400000-4 Forestry and logging products.
03440000-6 Forestry products.
77000000-0 Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural, and apicultural services.
77100000-1 Agricultural services.
77200000-2 Forestry services.
View and apply for this tender here.
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