Rare vascular plant surveys to be carried out in 2019

The objective of the present proposed surveys is to provide detailed site-related information on populations of rare vascular plant species from sites throughout Ireland.
20 April 2019
The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS), of the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, provides the legislative and policy framework for the conservation of nature and biodiversity in the Republic of Ireland.
It also oversees its implementation, based on good science, with particular emphasis on the protection of habitats and species. The responsibilities of the Scientific Unit of NPWS include surveying and monitoring of populations and sites for rare vascular plant species.
Regional surveys of Ireland’s rare vascular plant flora have been ongoing since 1990. Such surveys have provided valuable information to NPWS with which to review the conservation status of rare species, as well as to monitor specific sites and populations.
The objective of the present proposed surveys is to provide detailed site-related information on populations of rare vascular plant species from sites throughout Ireland. The populations requiring survey are those for which NPWS has not previously carried out a survey (being mostly only recently recorded), or for which recent survey information is lacking.
The term “rare” is taken here in a broad sense to include vascular plant species that are listed on the Flora (Protection) Order, 2015; in the Ireland Red List No. 10: Vascular Plants (2016); and in The Irish Red Data Book 1, Vascular Plants, (1988); as well as other species that are rare, threatened, scarce or little-known.
The proposed surveys are required to provide up-to-date information on the distribution, population size, threat status, and conservation needs of the species concerned.
The opportunity to carry out the surveys is open for application via a tender procurement process. It is a services contract, paid in euro, and the deadline for application is May 7, 2019, at 10am. Check out the tender and apply for it here.
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