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Irish landscape architect takes home gold at Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show

The Bamstone Garden at the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show, designed by Peter Donegan

Peter Donegan is the first Irish person to win a medal at a prestigious Australian flower show



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6 April 2023

An Irish landscape architect has taken home a prestigious award at the 2023 Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show presented by Scotts Osmocote.

Peter Donegan’s “Bam Stone Garden” won him a gold medal at the show. His winning design was one of only five to receive the Gold Show Garden Award at the 2023 event which ran from 29 March to 2 April.

The Dublin-based garden designer was the first ever Irish landscape architect to be invited and accepted to design a show garden for Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show 2023, and has now made history as the first to win a medal.

Australia’s most breathtaking horticultural designs were crowned at the show. Now in its 26th year, the awards recognise some of the best garden and floral experts and their enchanting works.


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