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Making history for horticulture

Becoming the Chartered Institute of Horticulture has been good for members offering the profession seniority and recognition.

Dr Owen Doyle, Institute of Horticulture Ireland Branch, explains how the Chartered Institute of Horticulture made history for professional horticulture



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20 July 2015

The Institute of Horticulture made horticultural history for professional horticulturists when it became Chartered on 21 July 2014 now becoming The Chartered Institute of Horticulture (CIH). Gaining Chartership for the Institute has been an aspiration since the Institute’s inception in 1984. Not only is the granting of the Royal Charter excellent news for the Institute, it is excellent for horticulture and horticulturists too. This level of seniority and recognition will enhance the status of horticulture as a profession which demands high level skills and continuing professional development. Chartership will also strengthen the influence, and therefore the voice of the Institute, and will add gravitas to its claim for greater recognition from government and policy makers regarding its role in the development of professionalism in horticulture.

The designation of Chartered Horticulturist (C Hort) to individuals in the Institute will, following the rigorous selection process, have wider benefits for all concerned with the practice of horticulture through its transparent and published standards that will demonstrate our commitment to the highest level of professionalism. The first six Chartered Horticulturists awarded are; Andrew Gill C Hort FCIHort – (President); Owen Doyle C Hort FCIHort – (President-Elect); Leigh Morris C Hort FCIHort – (Past-President); Heather Barrett-Mold C Hort FCIHort (Education Sector Representative); Dennis Clarke C Hort FCIHort – (Honorary Secretary), and John Whetman. C Hort FCIHort – (Honorary Treasurer).

The Institute’s aim is to further professionalise horticulture. Members are now members of an Institute which holds the recognition and benefits of Chartered status. Whilst that itself lends gravitas, kudos and prestige to their position, the Institute now has the ability to award individual Chartered status. For those members who choose to apply for and become individually Chartered. Chartership can support them in their professional lives, for example increasing their attractiveness to potential employers and enhance their status with existing employers. It can also be used to promote your business.

The CIH fosters closer relationships between all sectors of professional horticulture (advisory and research, amenity, commercial and education and training) throughout Great Britain and Ireland. It is the only professional body representing those who work in all aspects of horticulture. The Institute is represented on, and works collaboratively with, allied bodes throughout the industry to unite a growing profession.

Why don’t you join the Chartered Institute of Horticulture? Applications from persons in industry are very welcome. In Ireland contact: Owen Doyle at

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