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How to make your webshop more successful

Photo: Garden Connect.

Download Garden Connect’s whitepaper to discover how to grow your webshop



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10 September 2020

Garden Connect has released a whitepaper for garden centre retailers looking to make their webshop a success.

When Ireland went into lockdown, many independent garden retailers opened a webshop to counter the impact of the decline in footfall. But how can a retailer make sure its webshop will be successful in the future when Covid-19 is behind us? Or how can they get people to buy from them when Amazon at their disposal?

In an exclusive whitepaper, Garden Connect founder Edwin Meijer answers three important questions:

  • Why should consumers buy from you?
  • How are you going to make it happen?
  • What should you sell?

The whitepaper is based upon the Golden Circle by Simon Sinek – the core of which is that it’s not about what you sell, but why you sell it.

How to grow your webshop?

“To be able to thrive in the upcoming years and decades it’s important to understand that e-commerce is changing the retail landscape,” said a statement from Garden Connect. “Your business is not immune to this. But instead of trying to sell what you can sell, you should take a step back and ask yourself why people should buy from you.”

Download Garden Connect’s exclusive whitepaper to find the answer on how to compete with Amazon and to grow your webshop.

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