NPWS invites tenders for reassessment of woodland sites

Tenders are invited from suitably qualified consultants to conduct targeted resurveys of 13 woodland sites
1 July 2021
At Growtrade, we highlight public procurement opportunities from around Ireland that would be suitable to landscapists, growers, turfgrass professionals, horticulturalists, and forestry professionals.
Here is one such tender from the National Parks and Wildlife Service, which is seeking quotes from interested parties to complete a reassessment of the conservation value of selected undesignated woodland sites from 2021-2022.
Detailed description
The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) is seeking quotes from interested parties to complete a reassessment of the conservation value of selected undesignated woodland sites from 2021-2022, with a view to their legal protection. Tenders are invited from suitably qualified consultants to conduct targeted resurveys of 13 woodland sites, establish baseline monitoring, reassess the conservation value of the sites, and, where appropriate, to prepare the documentation and maps required for the consideration of these woodlands for protection under national legislation.
The programme for government states, “We will … review the protection (including enforcement of relevant legislation) of our natural heritage, including hedgerows, native woodland and wetlands”.
The National Survey of Native Woodlands (NSNW) was undertaken from 2003-2008. It covered 1,320 sites, representing the range of native woodland diversity in Ireland. These sites were surveyed, described, and classified, and their boundaries and habitats were mapped.
Following a selection process, based on the NSNW and further assessments, a suite of 13 undesignated woodlands have been selected. It is now necessary to conduct targeted resurveys, establish baseline monitoring, reassess the conservation value of these sites, and, where appropriate, compile, update and/or digitise the necessary documents and maps required for the consideration of these woodlands for designation as NHAs.
Type of contract: Services
Contracting authority: Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government
Custom House, Dublin 1, Ireland Contact: Paul Laycock
Response deadline: 28/07/2021 17:00:00 (Irish time)
CPV codes
90700000-4 Environmental services
77200000-2 Forestry services
77231000-8 Forestry management services
77231100-9 Forest resources management services
77231400-2 Forest inventory services
77231500-3 Forest monitoring or evaluation services
77231900-7 Forest sectoral planning services
90710000-7 Environmental management
90711000-4 Environmental impact assessment other than for construction
90711500-9 Environmental monitoring other than for construction
90712000-1 Environmental planning
90712200-3 Forest conservation strategy planning
90713000-8 Environmental issues consultancy services
90714000-5 Environmental auditing
90714300-8 Sectoral environmental auditing services
90714400-9 Activity specific environmental auditing services
90720000-0 Environmental protection
90730000-3 Pollution tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation
You can view and apply for this contract here.
Fans 0