Teagasc and Microsoft to launch pilot Airband initiative
Microsoft and Teagasc will sign a Memorandum of Undertaking on Saturday, April 27, signifying the launch of a pilot "Airband" initiative in Ballyhaise.
25 April 2019
Teagasc and Microsoft will sign a Memorandum of Undertaking seeking to promote connectivity and advance rural development through technology on Saturday, April 27, at Teagasc’s Ballyhaise Agricultural College, Ballyhaise, Co Cavan.
The partnership will see the launch of a pilot Airband initiative in Ballyhaise, Co Cavan, to provide connectivity over the “last mile” – the final stage in providing services such as broadband to homes and businesses.
Phil Hogan, the European Commissioner for Agriculture and Regional Development;
Cathriona Hallahan, managing director of Microsoft Ireland; and Gerry Boyle, director of Teagasc, are expected to be in attendance.
Microsoft has carried out its Airband initiative already in the US, developing “a strategic approach that brings together private and public-sector organisations to help address the needs of millions of people who live in rural America and lack access to broadband.”
The initiative could bring reliable broadband access to growers around Ireland, enabling them to find modern solutions to modern problems. The initiative has the potential to develop business for rural growers and it will be exciting to see how the project develops. Check out the video below for more information on the Airband initiative and what Microsoft aims to achieve.
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