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Teagasc invites horticulture companies to Spring Careers Day

The College of Amenity Horticulture is one of four Teagasc colleges which collectively deliver a wide range of Level 5 and Level 6 courses in agriculture, horticulture, equine, and forestry. Photo: Peter Stears.

Taking place on March 7, selected horticulture companies will have the opportunity to showcase their business to, and meet, the emerging horticultural talent at the College of Amenity Horticulture in the National Botanic Gardens.



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9 January 2019

Teagasc’s College of Amenity Horticulture in the National Botanic Gardens are inviting horticulture companies to showcase at their Spring Careers Day on March 7, 2019, in the new college classroom building in Glasnevin.

This event is a platform to inform interested students about the courses that are on offer in the college and to showcase the careers available in the horticulture sector.

Level 6 have students have formed a committee to organise the event and are invested in running the programme for the day.  They see this as a very important event for their future employment in horticulture.

“It is becoming more vital for the horticulture industry to promote what we do in education in tandem with what careers are on offer in the sector.”, said John Mulhern, principal of the College of Amenity Horticulture.

Mulhern continued: “We envisage it being a networking event, where [companies] can set up their stand and students can approach [them] to discuss career opportunities and present their CVs etc.”

Short industry talks will also be held which will serve to inform the attendees about the different areas of horticulture and what skill sets are needed to succeed in them.

The event will run from 12pm to 3pm on Thursday, March 7, in the new college building and invited companies are to set up from 11am on the day.

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