The gold winners from Plantarium 2019

A professional judging committee from the Royal Boskoop Horticultural Society judged 63 plants; awarding three gold, 11 silver, and 18 bronze medals with the Clematis 'Zo14100' (Little Lemons) also being awarded Best Novelty.
29 August 2019
For the 37th edition of Plantarium, 78 novelties were submitted. Of these, 77 were accepted for the showcase. Eventually, 63 plants were judged. The novelties were judged by a professional judging committee from the Koninklijke Vereniging voor Boskoopse Culturen (Royal Boskoop Horticultural Society).
After the trade fair, the best Plantarium novelty gets a place in the Harry van de Laar assortment garden in Boskoop. The Best Novelties of the past years have been planted in a dedicated Plantarium border. While there, the plant can be observed to determine how it performs in terms of ornamental and practical value when planted in the garden.
1. Clematis ‘Zo14100’ (Little Lemons) – Zoest BV, Clematiskwekerij J. van – Best Novelty winner
Clematis “Zo14100” (Little Lemons) was selected because of its extraordinary dwarf habit, the long flowering period, and the end flowers which produce seed fluff that remains on the plant for a few weeks. In the Netherlands, the flowers mainly attract bees and bumblebees. Clematis Little Lemons produces stems that are 20-30 centimetres long and sometimes 50 centimetres.
The foliage is pinnate and green coloured. The yellow flowers are nodding, beautifully bell-shaped, and have a diameter of 2-3 centimetres. After flowering, the shiny seed fluff appears; the side flowers do not usually have seed fluff. Clematis Little Lemons flowers from mid-May to early September.
This Clematis is protected under plant breeding legislation and belongs to the Tangutica Group. J. van Zoest BV from Boskoop submitted the plant for the novelty showcase and also bred it. Planttip BV from IJsselstein is responsible for the management.
For more on this plant, see here.
2. Buddleja ‘SRPBUD989’ (Blue Sarah) – Vos BV, Kwekerij Lendert de
Buddleja ‘SRPBUD989’ (Blue Sarah) is a very compact Buddleja that stays low and grows in a round shape. The plant blooms abundantly with short blue spikes from June to September. Blue Sarah grows to a height of one metre at most. Because the plant is so compact, it is ideal for patios. Blue Sarah can also be planted in the garden as a stand-alone.
The plant was bred by Star Roses and Plants from West Grove, US, and is protected under plant breeding legislation. Kwekerij Lendert de Vos BV from Reeuwijk submitted the plant and is also placing it on the market.
For more on this plant, see here.
3. Hydrangea paniculata ‘HYLV02’ (Whitelight) – Vos BV, Kwekerij Lendert de
Hydrangea paniculata ‘HYLV02’ (WHITELIGHT) is one of the first true patio plum hydrangea varieties. The compact plant grows easily, branches well, and features dark green leaves which contrast nicely with the white flowers. Initially, the flowers are lime-coloured, before turning cream and eventually ending up white. In the autumn, the flowers turn to light pink.
WHITELIGHT grows to a maximum height of around one metre. Since it remains compact, WHITELIGHT is ideal for use on a terrace, or as planting in a bed. WHITELIGHT can also be used by itself, of course.
The winner is Nick van Rosmalen from Velp. WHITELIGHT is protected under plant breeding legislation. It was submitted by Kwekerij Lendert de Vos BV from Reeuwijk, which also markets the plant.
For more on this plant, see here.
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