Two lucrative tenders for sports turf businesses
The office of Government Procurement's website is designed to be a central facility for all public sector contracting authorities to advertise procurement opportunities and award notices.
3 October 2017
Public sector opportunities can range from new county council car parks to developing the new national children’s hospital. Here are two tenders that could be an exciting opportunity for registered sports turf and grounds maintenance businesses.
- Chluain Mhuire Track & Pitches – Proposed Training Area, Synthetic Running Track & Upgrade Existing Natural Sports Pitches.
Works involve provision of: one new 35 metres by 50 metres grass training area with line markings, five-lane synthetic running track around grass training area with line markings, two metres wide grass running track around synthetic running track, two metres high retention fencing and gates, floodlit training area and track including six, 14 metres high columns; eight pedestrian lighting columns on existing paths.
Upgrade existing natural soccer pitch with underground slit and pipe drainage, two metres wide new pedestrian pavement, storm-water drainage, two soakaways , ducting, switch provisions for lighting and connection to ESB Networks hardware. Upgrading of landscape amenities including new tree planting, new seating and outdoor gym equipment.
Type of Contract: Works
Contracting authority: Galway City Council, City Hall, College Road, Galway, Ireland. Contact: Stephen Walsh
Response deadline: 20-10-2017 12:00 (Irish time)
Currency: EUR
Main CPV code:
45212220-4 Multi-purpose sports facilities construction work
CPV codes:
31520000-7 Lamps and light fittings
31527000-6 Spotlights
31527260-6 Lighting systems
37450000-7 Field and court sports equipment
37451000-4 Field sports equipment
37453000-8 Track sports equipment
45100000-8 Site preparation work
45111240-2 Ground-drainage work
45210000-2 Building construction work
45212200-8 Construction work for sports facilities
45212213-2 Sport markings works
45212221-1 Construction work in connection with structures for sports ground
45232450-1 Drainage construction works
45232451-8 Drainage and surface works
45232452-5 Drainage works
45236100-1 Flatwork for miscellaneous sports installations
45236110-4 Flatwork for sports fields
45236119-7 Repair work on sports fields
45311000-0 Electrical wiring and fitting work
45311100-1 Electrical wiring work
45316100-6 Installation of outdoor illumination equipment
45342000-6 Erection of fencing
77320000-9 Sports fields maintenance services
You can find the complete tender on the Office of Government Procurement website here.
2. Proposed Amenity Park including walking track, playground, outdoor gym, maintenance building, toilet block, carpark, lighting and associated siteworks.
Type of Contract: Works
Contracting authority: Clonroche Development Association C.L.G, Viserba, Clonroche, Co.Wexford, Enniscorthy, Ireland. Contact: Lorcan Dunne.
Response deadline: 26-10-2017 15:00 Irish time
Currency: EUR
You can find the complete tender on the Office of Government Procurement website here.
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