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Wexford Town invites tenders for new town park

Public sector procurement opportunities provide lucrative contracts to a wider net of potential suppliers to the Irish Public Sector.

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Sports & Parks

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16 January 2018

Public sector opportunities can range from new county council car parks to developing the new national children’s hospital. Here is one tender that could be an exciting opportunity for specialist landscapers involved in new park development and construction.

1. Construction of a new town park with access road, parking, feature playground, and associated site works, at Killeens, Wexford Town.

Construction of a new town park at Killeens and Ballynagee, Wexford, comprising hard and soft landscape works including; site clearance; existing vegetation management/protection; adjustment of existing site levels and bulk earthworks shaping/topsoiling to form new parkland landscape; vehicular and pedestrian entrances; car parking area; park boundaries and entrances (fencing, railings, signage and nature stone piers/walls); wetland pond; commemoration garden; provision of a new access road (c. 245m long) along the northern boundary of the site and modifying an existing used roundabout (part demolition, realignment/undergrounding of overhead 10kV powerlines with ESB, relocation of existing services and manholes and street lights); 1no. bridge and 5no. culverts crossing existing streams and allowing for light vehicular maintenance traffic; new pathways both trafficked/non-trafficked comprising of coloured and standard bitumen macadam, concrete sett and natural stone paving, self-binding gravel, kerbing and drainage.

The works will include for the provision and installation of a multi-age, accessible, natural playground with variety of impact absorption surfaces to EN1176, EN1177 and RoSPA standards.

The works will include for the supply and installation of park furniture, signage, surface water drainage, and connection to foul sewer, provision of ducting for site lighting and all associated mechanical and electrical services.

Soft landscape works will include existing tree/hedgerow pruning, topsoiling, cultivation, seeding/turfing, tree, hedge, shrub, groundcover, bulb and wetland edge planting, meadow management and planting, 3 year full maintenance period.

Contractors will be required to comply with the Code of Practice for Inspecting and Certifying Buildings and Works as defined in SI No.9 of the 2104 Building Control (Amendment) Regulations.

Type of Contract: Works.

Contracting authority: Wexford County Council, County Hall, Carricklawn, Wexford, Ireland. Contact: Sharon Ryan.

Response deadline: 31-01-2018 16:00 (Irish time).

Currency: EUR.

CPV codes:
43325000-7 Park and playground equipment.
45000000-7 Construction work.
45112700-2 Landscaping work.
45112711-2 Landscaping work for parks.
45112723-9 Landscaping work for playgrounds.
45212100-7 Construction work of leisure facilities.
45220000-5 Engineering works and construction works.

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