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Autumn with Chrysanthemum

During a dull autumn, the chrysanthemum brings colour and a good helping of joy into the home of your customers. Photo: Van der Plas.

Warmth, colour and joy are brought to you by the Chrysanthemum. This flower keeps summer going for just that little bit longer in autumn.



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24 September 2018

The flower, which originates from China and Japan, has been incredibly popular in Asia for centuries. From around 1700 we could also enjoy this golden delight in Europe. The chrysanthemum’s name derives from the Greek: chrys (gold) and anthemon (flower). The flower’s original colour was a rich golden yellow. A variety of coloured chryanthemums can be found on Van der Plas’s trade webshop, optimised for garden centre retailers and buyers.

Shapes and colours 

Limited to a yellow beginning, there is now a truly wide colour palette available. Interiors can now be given a warm glow with the colours gold, bronze or dark orange tones, and shades of green are also very popular. Or opt for subtle and calm using chrysanthemums in shades of white, soft pinks or purple.   If that wasn’t enough choice, there are also many different flower shapes: from single to double flowered, and from spider to pom-pom shapes.

Petals can be ‘classic’ or ‘spoon-like’, and you can find spray chrysanthemums, and even the disbudding technique that guarantees blooms in their fullest glory, as well as miniature santini’s in comparison.

Care tips for customers 

Enable your customers to enjoy their chrysanthemums for at least 2 to 3 weeks with the following tips.

  • Select a clean vase and fill it with tap water at room temperature.
  • Add cut flower food to the water for a longer vase life.
  • Make sure there are no leaves hanging in the water.
  • Cut or trim the chrysanthemums’ stems diagonally by 3 to 5 cm with a clean, sharp knife or secateurs.
  • Regularly top the vase up with tap water.
  • Don’t place chrysanthemums in a draught, in full sun or near central heating or near a fruit bowl. Fruit emits ethylene gas which will cause the flowers to age more rapidly.

Symbolism of Chrysanthemum

Besides elegance, the chrysanthemum also brings colour and a good helping of joy into your customers’ home. The flower stands for health and happiness. Great to get for yourself, great as a gift to treat a loved one.

Bouquet recipe 

Embrace the end of summer with bright colours and warm symbolism. You will need:

  • Chrysanthemum
  • Snowberry
  • Gloriosa
  • Gerbera
  • Calla
  • Callicarpa

Find your Chrysanthemum right here.


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