Contract for construction of an all weather playing pitch

St. Patricks NS seeks all weather playing pitch with associated perimeter fencing & access gates, lighting, adjacent tarmacadam surface and all ancillary works
22 October 2020
At Growtrade we highlight public procurement opportunities from around Ireland that would be suitable to landscapists, growers, turfgrass professionals, horticulturalists, and forestry professionals.
Here is one such tender, for the proposed construction of an all weather playing pitch with associated perimeter fencing & access gates, lighting, adjacent tarmacadam surface and all ancillary works at St. Patricks NS, Gowna, Co. Cavan.
Detailed Description: Proposed construction of a 837.5m2 (33.5x25m) all weather playing surface (astro/MUGGA) together with the erection of associated perimeter fencing, access gates, lighting, laying of a tarmacadam surface adjoining the proposed playing surface and all ancillary works.
Type Of Contract: Works
Response Deadline: 11/11/2020 17:00:00
Cpv Codes: 45000000-7 Construction work
Buyer: St. Patrick’s National School (Gowna)Loch Gowna, Co.Cavan Gowna, Ireland. Contact: Brendan McVeigh
You can view and apply for this contract here.
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