GLDA Student & Graduate Design Competition is open for entries

This year’s design brief is to create ‘a greener space that can add peacefulness into a very busy setting’
14 October 2020
The Garden & Landscape Designers Association (GLDA) has launched its 2020/2021 Student & Graduate Design Competition.
Sponsored by Millbrook Paving and The Kildare Gallery at Carton House in association with Dublin City Council (who identified a site on Dublin’s Quays for use in the competition), entrants must create a green space that can add peacefulness into a busy, heavily trafficked, city centre setting.
Applicants will fall into two categories: Category One is any student on the island of Ireland currently studying an (accredited) garden design, landscape architecture, horticulture related course or landscape skills training course. A Category Two Applicant is any graduate from the above approved courses who qualified in 2019 or 2020.
The prize awards are:
- Best Category One (Student) Concept Master Plan Design – iPad & trophy
- Best Category Two (Graduate) Concept Master Plan Design – iPad & trophy
- Best Innovative Concept Detail Award 2020 – trophy
- Best Planting Design 2020 – trophy
The winner and two runners-up from each category will each receive free entry to the GLDA Seminar in February 2021, as well as GLDA membership (Pre-Reg or Student) for 2021.
According to a statement from the GLDA: “It is important that we create ‘Green Oases’, pocket parks that soften the hard landscape of urban environments, screen traffic noise and lessen the heat island effect.
“The improvement of city ecology, how the effects of climate change can be mitigated through sustainable drainage systems, and the planting of these spaces, are important factors to attract pollinators into our cities whilst giving people access to the natural environment,” continued the statement.
Online entries must be received by 15 January 2021. To find out more or to request an application pack and design brief, email
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