Landscape Character Assessment Seminar to be held

Registration is now open for a Landscape Character Assessment Seminar to be held by the Irish Landscape Institute
9 November 2015
The Irish Landscape Institute is holding a seminar on 26th Novemeber in the Beresford Hotel Dublin. The Landscape Character Assessment Seminar will provide tools for strategic decision making and the management of the landscape.
On the outline of the seminar the ILI says “With the publication of the National Landscape Strategy in July 2015, Ireland has a valuable opportunity to enhance and expand the use of Landscape Character Assessment –as a useful guide to strategic land-use decision-making in Ireland.” The ILI added “ We are presented with an opportunity to ensure that the new methodologies and standards are useful to planners, infrastructure developers, landscape and urban managers and those involved in heritage or tourism.”
This seminar will explore developments in LCA under the following headings:
What is Landscape Character Assessment for?
How should it be done?
At what scale/s should it be done and in what order?
Who should lead/coordinate?
What are the next steps and the overall timeframe?
Speakers at the seminar will include Tony Williams, Richard Butler, Christine Tudor, Mansil Miller, Ciaran Tracey & Brian McCarthy, Alison Harvey and Deirdre Black.
For more information and to register for the seminar visit the Irish Landscape Institute website.
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