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New Horizon: next-generation compost from Westland

Westland's New Horizon is produced from three key natural ingredients: Biofibre, West+, and Coir+. Photo: Westland.

There are three New Horizon BIO3 products in the range: New Horizon All Plant Compost, New Horizon All Veg Compost, and the New Horizon Tomato Planter.



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25 February 2019

Until now, when it comes to compost, gardeners have had to choose between a quality peat-based product, or a peat-free, eco-friendly alternative.

New Horizon BIO3 from Westland solves this problem so that gardeners no longer have to compromise. It is the result of £35m (€40.3m) investment over 18 years, delivering all the features of a high-quality compost, with the added benefit of being naturally peat-free, organic and sustainable.

BIO3 is engineered to outperform all peat-based products and is the next generation of compost for a peat-free future, from Westland.

The new product is produced from three key natural ingredients which make it indistinguishable in performance, appearance, smell, and texture from peat-based products:

  1. Biofibre: a natural, nutrient-rich fibre, which locks on to the root and ensures the fast, effective transfer of nutrients and moisture to the plant.
  2. West+: a wood fibre which creates the optimum soil structure and air flow to deliver the very best root growth.
  3. Coir+: a unique structure which stores and releases moisture and nutrients for longer.

There are three New Horizon BIO3 products in the range: New Horizon All Plant Compost: 20 litre, £3.99 (€5.99); 40 litre, £5.99 (€6.99); and 60 litre, £6.99 (€8.99); New Horizon All Veg Compost: 50 litre, £6.99 (€7.99); and the New Horizon Tomato Planter: £4.99 (€5.99).

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