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Preparation underway for GrootGroenPlus 2016

GrootGroenPlus takes place on 5 - 7 October

Participant will play a central role during GrootGroenPlus 2016



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31 August 2016

For years, GrootGroenPlus has worked on the content side of the visitor’s program. And that is also the case this year. However, the participants will also get a stronger, more central position this year, both when it comes to PR and at the trade show itself. Participants will get the opportunity to present themselves even better, and making a lot of valuable contacts in just a few days will be made much easier.

Contact is essential.
The choice to pay a lot of attention to the findability and visibility of participants is a very obvious choice: after all, GrootGroenPlus is a platform that brings trade visitors and participants into contact with each other. Networking, sharing knowledge, making valuable contacts, and building relationships… that is what the trade fair is all about. That is why the substantive parts of the program will be organised mostly before or after the regular opening hours, which enables the participants to join in as well, without limiting contact time at the trade fair floor.

Important role of participants
Participants play an important role in the success of the trade show. They are asked to play an active part in the execution of this year’s theme, ‘My Favourite Plant!’. GrootGroenPlus will give all participants a pinpoint, which they can use to mark their favourite plant. All favourites are also included in the online company profile, and in the app. Thanks to their specific, practical experience, participants will also be able to share a lot of interesting knowledge about their favourite plants with trade visitors. This leads to more understanding of the subject, from every angle.

New set-up
This year, the trade fair will have a new layout and set-up, of course with a couple of the regular parts. This year, the entrance will be once again marked with the novelties that will be inspected. There will also be three routes, in closed loops. This year, the trade fair will already start outside, with inspiring plant collages, supplied by participants. The furnishing, which is used throughout the trade fair building, is a combination of black, white, words, wood, green, mirrors, light, digital, and written information.

Interest from China
GrootGroenPlus also takes a leap when it comes to package trips. This is demonstrated by the registration of a group of 16 entrepreneurs from China. They visit the trade fair and take part in both the internal and external press tours. The organisation also revealed a bit more about the internal press tour. This will start – like last year – with the KVBC award ceremony for field inspections. This is a trade related award, which is much appreciated. Besides that, the visit to the selected businesses at the trade floor will focus mainly on the standard tree area Opheusden, an area from which you can find many companies at GrootGroenPlus this year.

Digital registration
It is possible to register as trade visitor for free access on 5 – 7 October. This can be done digitally. More information about the program, the novelties, participants, favourites, and much more can be found via the app, which can be downloaded from the stores. In September, a paper trade fair special will be issued, with substantive information and information about the trade fair.

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