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The Agri Aware #BuyLocalBuyIrish campaign

Agri Aware's #BuyLocalBuyIrish campaign image. Photo: Agri Aware.

The campaign aims to encourage consumers to buy local, Irish produce this Christmas.



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18 December 2019

Agri Aware’s social media campaign for December has one clear goal – encourage consumers to buy local, Irish produce this Christmas.

Each day in December until Christmas Day, across its social media channels, Agri Aware will post a daily video from various Agri Aware patron members and agri-ambassadors, who share with consumers what buying local means to them.

The videos aim to tell a collective story that by supporting Irish farmers, growers, and small businesses, you are supporting Irish jobs, communities, businesses, and the wider circular economy of Ireland.

“Buying local and buying Irish means supporting the farmers of Ireland, who work tirelessly to produce food for both the 4.8 million people living in Ireland and 50 million across the globe. Money that is spent locally is put back into the communities and wider economies of Ireland, harnessing the magic of the many small towns and villages that make our Irish countryside so unique and homely”, said Alan Jagoe, chairman of Agri Aware.

You can follow along the action on Agri Aware’s website, Facebook, and Twitter.

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