Best practice guidelines for irrigation and budgeting

Donall Flanagan of Teagasc, provided the attendees at GLAS 2018 with a complete overview of best practice water irrigation guidelines as well as updates from the EPA.
31 July 2018
Given the recent drought; Donall Flanagan’s GLAS presentation on the best practice guidelines for water irrigation and budgeting couldn’t have come at a better time at GLAS 2018.
Flanagan is the Nursery Stock and Ornamentals specialised advisor for Teagasc and has been teaching a wide range of horticultural subjects for more than 15 years.
While working with Teagasc in Kildalton College, he was involved in delivering nursery stock production and propagation modules.
He completed a degree in Ag. Science (Commercial Hort) in UCD and completed a masters there also investigating the phytopathogen status of native Irish apple trees.
At GLAS 2018, Flanagan discussed the issues that affect the industry most when it comes to water irrigation – including updates from Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on water abstraction.
For the complete insight into well drilling, well maintenance, pump drilling, pump maintenance, and the best practices for irrigation then check out Flanagan’s presentation here.
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