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Contract on offer from Ballina Tidy Towns for construction of all-weather pitches

Applicants should submit proposals ahead of 3 December deadline

Successful applicant will eliminate one pitch and refurbish two others


Sports & Parks

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19 November 2020

At Growtrade, we highlight public procurement opportunities from around Ireland that would be suitable to landscapists, growers, turfgrass professionals, horticulturalists, and forestry professionals.

Here is one such tender to eliminate one court and refurbish two others, one as a MUGA and another as a tennis court.

Detailed description

Tom Ruane Park is a relatively large urban park located near the centre of Ballina town. The park contains an award-winning playground that was constructed in 2015 and a small MUGA park. Immediately adjacent to the Sligo Road in the south eastern corner of the park, there are three number ball courts. These facilities are enclosed by a chain-link fence containing a macadam surface.  Our proposal is to eliminate the middle court and to refurbish providing two larger facilities one as a MUGA and the other as a tennis court. Both courts will be divided by a macadam path in excess of 8-meters in width.

Proposals shall include the design, supply and installation of all fencing, drainage, surfacing and including all associated landscaping and civil works.

Type of contract: Works.

Contracting authority: Ballina Tidy Towns, Moy Valley Resources, Balinna, Co.Mayo, Ireland Contact: David Lally

Response deadline: 03/12/2020 12:00:00 (Irish time).

CPV codes

45212220-4  Multi-purpose sports facilities construction work

37450000-7  Field and court sports equipment

37452720-4  Tennis court equipment

43325000-7  Park and playground equipment

44313100-8  Wire-mesh fencing

45000000-7  Construction work

45112720-8  Landscaping work for sports grounds and recreational areas

45112723-9  Landscaping work for playgrounds

45210000-2  Building construction work

45212000-6  Construction work for buildings relating to leisure, sports, culture, lodging and restaurants

45212200-8  Construction work for sports facilities

45233250-6  Surfacing work except for roads

Information and documents related to this tender are available following an expression of interest. For more information and to apply for this tender, click here.

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