Horticulture news from The Irish Garden

Quick news hits from the world of horticulture, courtesy of The Irish Garden Magazine.
30 April 2018
The following are quick news hits from out sister publication – The Irish Garden Magazine. You can learn more about The Irish Garden on their website: www.garden.ie.
Dublin Dahlias
Showing and Growing Dahlias On May 12, at the National Botanical Gardens, Dublin 9, Ian and Liam Ledger will talk about growing giant decorative dahlias and miniature cactus/semi-cactus types, also dabbling with pompoms, waterlilies and collarette dahlias. Time: 3pm. Education & Visitor Centre, organised with the Irish Dahlia Society.
Altamont Walled Garden
At Altamont Walled Garden, Co Carlow, on May 12, A Celebration of Early Summer Plants takes place from 11am to 3.30pm with talks by Hester Forde of Coosheen Gardens, Cork, and garden writer and plants-person Carmel Duignan, Dublin. Tickets €25 including coffee, lunch, talks, and plant sale. Email: sales@altamontplants.com
Mount Stewart hosts Gardeners’ Question Time
BBC Radio 4’s Gardeners’ Question Time, on June 9, holds its annual Summer Garden Party in the beautiful surroundings of Mount Stewart, Co. Down. The gurus of gardening will be in attendance. This is BBC Radio 4’s biggest annual event and tickets are available.
The Rare and Special Plant Fair 2018

Photo: The Irish Garden.
The Rare and Special Plant Fair is an opportunity to purchase rare and difficult to source plants, at a reasonable price.
This year the Fennell family at Burtown House and Gardens, Co. Kildare, will host to The Rare and Special Plant Fair, with over 40 specialist nurseries and delicious food options, on May 13 from 10am to 5pm.
Jerpoint Glass Garden Spirals Iconic Irish glassblowing studio
Jerpoint Glass has launched a new range of garden accessories that will add a vibrant pop of colour to your garden all year round. Handmade, the new Garden Spirals, priced from €35, are available at the studio shop in Kilkenny or online at jerpointglass.com.
Bloom June Bank Holiday weekend
Bord Bia’s Bloom takes place from Thursday, May 31, to Monday, June 4, in the Phoenix Park, Dublin. Now in its twelfth year, visitors can get inspiration from over twenty spectacular show gardens, as well as exploring the floral and nursery displays, plant village, botanical art exhibition, and gardening workshops. Tickets are on sale now at www.bloominthepark.com. Discount available on-line with the code: IGM18.
CGI Gathering
The Community Gardens Ireland Annual Gathering takes place on May 27 at the WeCreate Centre, Cloughjordan EcoVillage, Co. Tipperary, a day packed with information and inspiration to help you progress with your own projects. It will follow the annual Feeding Ourselves conference which takes place the day before. More at www.cgireland.org.
ISNA at Mallow

Photo: The Irish Garden.
The Irish Specialist Nurseries Association will be at the Mallow Home and Gardens show in Mallow, Co. Cork, on May 25, 26, and 27, situated in The Stables Area of Mallow Racecourse where the ISNA show is a magnet for garden lovers in the south.
Gardens of Ireland Trust
Membership of the Gardens of Ireland Trust now numbers 67 gardens open to public throughout Ireland. It was set up to increase garden visitor numbers on the island of Ireland with the emphasis on advancing and promoting all Ireland Garden Tourism. For further information for garden visitors and groups or from garden owners who wish to become members, go to www.gardensofireland.org
Kilmacurragh connnections
Two rare plants that grow at the National Botanic Gardens at Kilmacurragh, Co. Wicklow, are being made available to buy by the Camolin Potting Shed, Co. Wexford. Impatiens tinctoria can reach over two metres in a season and Crocosmia‘His Majesty’ has a large open flower, orange-yellow with a dark orange back. These are for sale at the Nursery in Camolin or on www.camolinpottingshed.com.
Terrific new venue!
The Totally Terrific Tomato Festival will run over the weekend of August 18 and 19 at its new venue — the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin 9. An exhibition of tomato cultivars as well as their relatives will be displayed in the Teak House for a fortnight. There will also be a series of tomato talks and competitions. Help us to make it a fantastic celebration of tomatoes! For more details: www.facebook.com/TotallyTerrificTomatoFestival/
Special Event Sunday Hunting

Photo: The Irish Garden.
Brook Garden’s Special Event Sundays are held on one Sunday a month over the course of the season, next on May 20. On these days, Jimi gives a free class at 2pm, pointing out his top plants for the month. More events follow later in the day and there is a tea room serving delicious home baked goodies. The garden is open from 11 until 5.30 and normal entry fee applies. Hunting Brook is now open Wednesday to Sunday, 11am-5.30pm.
Hill’s Hire celebration
Hills Hire are 50 years in business, established in 1968. Hire a vast array of tools, such as lawnmowers, wallpaper strippers, carpet cleaners and sanders. Hill’s Hire supplies the best garden machinery on the market for hire and sale at the most competitive rates available, and are agents for Honda, Stihl, Viking, Rover and Opem. Contact Hill’s Hire Service Ltd, Cabinteely, Co. Dublin. Tel: 01 2853676
Fáilte Ireland garden tourism
Fáilte Ireland’s largest in-Ireland promotion event is called Meitheal and is hosted on an annual basis. Over 300 international buyers attend a two-day workshop with pre-arranged scheduled appointments between Irish trade partners and overseas buyers. Contact your local Tourism Ireland market representative to find out more. Fáilte Ireland also offers over 60 overseas trade and consumer shows throughout the year.
Hotbin composting
Hotbin composting produces rich, ready to use, organic compost in 90 days with no need for turning, forking or exposure to nasty flies. Along with traditional compostable items, you can add left-over cooked food. It works by producing higher temperatures than most conventional bins, up to ten times faster than traditional compost bins.Contact: www.clonmelgardencentre.ie
Coosheen garden open
Coosheen, a plantswoman’s garden in Glounthaune, Cork, cleverly uses colour, texture and shape to create an illusion of space. Seasonal highlights are the trilliums scattered throughout the garden where they thrive at the feet of the growing collection of Japanese acers. Coosheen always has new and interesting plants. www.hesterfordegarden.com
Victorian Garden Gazebos

Photo: The Irish Garden.
Classic Garden Gazebos from Victorian Garden Buildings are handmade by skilled and experienced craftsmen in Western Red Cedar. Customers can choose from a wide range of sizes from 1.8 metres with many design options, supplied and installed throughout Ireland. www.victoriangardenbuildings.com May offer: Free Cedar Bench, worth €450, with each order.
Mount Venus interactive
Mount Venus Nursery has launched a new, mobile-friendly site that features a completely overhauled searchable plant catalogue with images and descriptions, available for delivery or collection. New slideshow galleries show over a dozen private garden commissions and a selection of award-winning show gardens. DIY planting schemes allow you to overhaul your entire garden with just one click. www.mountvenusnursery.com
Tendence meets gardiente
Two major outdoor living shows collaborate. Tendence is on in Frankfurt from 30 June to 3 July, where retailers will find the must-haves of outdoor living, while at the same time, gardiente, is taking place from July 1-3 in Wallau nearby, showcasing trendy new products, including garden furniture, barbecue, textiles and accessories. Because the fairs are working together, visitors can visit both Tendence and gardiente and get even more inspiration.
Éireannach – celebrating native plants
The Irish Society of Botanical Artists’ new project, Éireannach – Celebrating Native Plants of Ireland, is an exhibition of paintings and the publication of a book. Forty-three artists have painted 48 native Irish plants and the resulting exhibition is part of a wider project, Botanical Art Worldwide. The book contains the Irish paintings, of course, as well as paintings and short articles from each of the 24 other countries involved in the wider project.
Buds and Blossoms
Buds and Blossoms hosts Bob Brown of Cotswold Garden Flowers and Paul Smith, head of propagation at the world famous Welsh nursery, Crug Farm Plants. Paul will be speaking about Crug’s Chelsea Flower Show entry for 2018, bringing you right from initial concept through to its realisation as a Chelsea nursery stand. Details will be available on www.laoisgardenfestival.com.
Classic steel wall trellis

Treillage Wall Trellis. Photo: The Irish Garden.
Classic Garden Elements offers various designs and sizes of steel trellis to support your favourite climbing plant or transform any blank or dull wall instantly. Classic steel trellis does not require any annual treatment or rot as plants reach maturity. All classic trellis panels are
galvanized steel with black powder coating and have a free 10-year, no-rust warranty. Visit www.classicgardenelements.ie or call 087-2306128.
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