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IGCA joins Johnsons Lawn Seed to view global retail reach

IGCA delegates view the facility
IGCA delegates enjoy tour of DLF packing facility

170 delegates from the International Garden Centre Associated convened at DLF Trifolium’s state-of-the-art packing facility in Hojme, Denmark for a special one-off event


Sports & Parks

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17 September 2015

Over 170 delegates from the International Garden Centre Association convened at DLF Trifolium’s state-of-the-art packing facility in Hojme, Denmark. A special one-off event, the day was designed to showcase DLF Trifolium’s market-leading consumer brands, as well as its ongoing dedication to delivering the highest quality processes and products to the international garden retail market.

As the company’s benchmark facility, offering the latest technology in fully-automated packing systems, it was the ideal platform to showcase the behind-the-scene technology and science that underpins DLF’s work. Each year the facility automatically produces tens of millions of units of lawn seed, ready for delivery across Europe and Russia.

The event saw delegates from around the world experience traditional Danish food and entertainment before embarking on tours of the facility. Starting at the beginning of the production line, delegates were taken through every step of the process, helping them to understand the complicated systems that pack and despatch lawn seed for the retail market.

Johnsons Lawn Seed’s consumer manager Guy Jenkins said: “DLF Trifolium is a global leader in lawn seed development, but very few people really understand what goes on at the production level. Our Odense facility is the perfect showcase for the advanced technology and ongoing R&D that takes place for all DLF’s lawn seed products, including consumer brands such as Johnsons Lawn Seed.”

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