NAD to showcase new products at GLAS

A biofungicide containing a naturally occurring hyperparasitic fungus for reducing powdery mildew on protected crops; the new Bowcom Atom; and an insecticide replacement for Chess, new to the Irish market, will all be displayed at NAD's stand H5 at GLAS 2018.
17 July 2018
1. New IPM Biofungicide to be launched by Nad and Fargro at Glas show
Why use it?
Powdery mildew diseases are among the most devastating diseases of cultivated crops infecting a broad spectrum of host species including protected vegetables, cucurbits and strawberry.
The disease will attack all plant parts including fruit, stems and leaves with new growth being most susceptible. AQ10 will reduce powdery mildew on protected crops of aubergine, courgette, cucumber, melon, pepper, pumpkin, tomato, strawberry, and winter squash.
AQ10 is based on the Ampelomyces quisqualis isolate M-10, originally isolated from a powdery mildew species (Oidium sp) infecting the slow growing flowering shrub Catha edulis in Israel by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Photo: NAD.
To preserve the genotype of M-10 for future years, a pure culture was deposited with the Biological Resources Centre at the Institut Pasteur in Paris.
AQ10 is a water dispersible granule (WDG) formulation containing 5×109 spores per gram of product; spores make up 58% of the AQ10 formulation.
The remaining 42% of the formulation consists of an inert carrier which plays an important role in maintaining long term shelf-life. AQ10 is supplied in air- tight foil sachets which maintain product dryness and thus prevents premature spore germination.
If stored in the original sachet AQ10 has a guaranteed shelf-life of 1 year at room temperature and at least 2 years at temperatures between 4-8C.
How it works
Ampelomyces quisqualis is a hyper parasite of a wide range of powdery mildew fungi which penetrate the hyphal wall of a host cell and grows inside causing degradation of the cytoplasm.
The rate of development within the host can be slow (5-7 days), so multiple applications of AQ10 are recommended to generate multiple infection points on the developing pathogen colony.
The hyper parasitic activity leads to the collapse of hyphal strands and death. In order to demonstrate the effects of Ampelomyces quisqualis against powdery mildew (Podosphaera aphanis), pre- infected detached strawberry leaves (cv. Elsanta) were sprayed with AQ10 or water (control).
The leaves were collected from a commercial glasshouse strawberry crop in early April at first signs of the powdery mildew outbreak which ensured that colonies were fresh and actively growing.

Photo: Jeff Kubina.
In the AQ10 treated leaves, microscopic assessments identified areas of mycelium which had completely collapsed and these areas were completely devoid of conidia.
Crop Recommendations
AQ10 can be used at all crop stages on protected crops of aubergine, cucumber, courgette, melon, pepper, pumpkin, strawberry, tomato and winter squash.
Application Rate and Frequency
AQ10 can be applied up to twelve times to a crop right up to harvest, at rates of between 35 and 70g/ha.
AQ10 is formulated as a water dispersible granule and can be applied with conventional spray equipment with sufficient water to ensure uniform coverage, including the underside of leaves.
Treatments should be applied preventatively before disease appears in the crop, when conditions are conducive to powdery mildew infection and development.
AQ10 should not be used as a curative treatment. Application should be repeated every 7-10 days, with at least two successive applications at the rates indicated in the following table.
AQ10 application rate
Aubergine: up to 50cm 35g/ha
Cucumber: 50–125cm 53g/ha
Pepper: above 125cm 70g/ha
Courgette: crops not grown vertically 70g/ha
Melon: up to 50cm 35g/ha
Pumpkin: 50–125cm 53g/ha
Winter squash: above 125cm 70g/ha
Strawberry: all growing systems 70g/ha
Mixing and Spraying
Half-fill the spray tank with water. Add the required quantity of AQ10 granules and leave for a minimum of 30 minutes without agitation. After the pre-soaking, continuously agitate the suspension whilst adding water to achieve the final target volume.
Use entire content of mixture within the same day of mixing. The viability of Ampelomyces quisqualis spores may decline if left in water for more than 12 hours.
For more information on this IPM Biofungicide, you can download the manual here, and be sure to check out NAD’s stand at GLAS, H5.
2. Precision, electric, low volume marking machine.
The Bowcom Atom offers flexible spray options for both the Bowcom Atomic and Quantum paints, or traditional Bowcom Concentrates if required.

The new Bowcom Atom line painter. Photo: Bowcom.
- Durable lightweight, stable construction
- Hollow-Cone / misting nozzle technology
- High pressure self priming pump
- Non-drip, instant shut off
- Integral cleaning system
- Integral quick-bleed system
- High capacity 12v battery
- Bearing wheels on SS axle
- Puncture proof tyres
The Atom will mark 9 pitches when using a single 10l container, through the unique Bowcom brass two-part hollow-cone nozzle.The Bowcom Atom will transport a five litre or 10l pail, offering total flexibility when marking.
The Atom is available on NAD’s website and is available to see at the new products showcase at GLAS and on NAD’s stand – H5. The Atom’s user manual is also available to download here.
3. Pesticide update on Chess
Good news for growers, while Chess insecticide is no longer available on the Irish market a replacement for Chess (active ingredient Pymetrozine) has now been given approval for use in Ireland from the Pesticide Control Service.
The new product is called Tafari and comes in the same pack as Chess – 250g.
Neil Helyer the IPM specialist will be providing full tech update during his presentation at the learning theatre at GLAS at 12pm and will be available for technical queries on NADs stand no H5.
You can pre-register for Helyer’s presentation via the GLAS website by clicking here. You can also arrange a meeting with NAD at their GLAS Stand H5 by utilising the “meeting request” option, available to all attendees, which you will find here.
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