Rhododendron Eradication at Killarney National Park

The office of Government Procurement's website is designed to be a central facility for all public sector contracting authorities to advertise procurement opportunities and award notices.
12 September 2018
Public sector opportunities can range from new county council car parks to developing a new national children’s hospital. Here is one from Killarney National Park seeking the provision of Rhododendron eradication services.
1. Provision of Rhododendron Eradication Management Services including Programme Design, Implementation and Supervisory Services at Killarney National Park.
Type of Contract: Services.
Contracting authority: Department of Culture, Heritage & the Gaeltacht, 23 Kildare Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Contact: Finola Mc Donald.
Response deadline: 03-10-2018 17:00 (Irish time) .
Currency: EUR.
Main CPV code: 77300000-3 Horticultural services.
CPV codes: 77200000-2 Forestry services.
You can check out the full tender here.
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