Specialist range helps gardeners achieve beautiful blooms and healthier plants

Westland’s new plant food range provides a balance of nutrients to deliver exceptional results
22 April 2021
Westland has launched a new range of plant foods that have been specially developed to ensure that gardeners get the very best from their prized plants and vegetables.
Garden retailers have witnessed an unprecedented rise in the popularity of ‘grow your own’ and ornamental plants such as roses and hydrangeas. Many of these plants are a long-term investment and gardeners are keen to nurture them to achieve healthy, vibrant flowers and the best possible yields. The innovative new Westland range of plant foods provides the perfect balance of nutrients to deliver exceptional results for gardeners.
Westland’s new high-performance specialist feeds are available in five unique liquid offerings – rose, ericaceous, hydrangea, organic blend for vegetables and organic seaweed. What makes these products so special is how the feeds work together with the plant. Each product has been formulated to ensure the feed is available to all parts of the plant and is held around the root structure, minimising nutrient waste. This contrasts with many standard feeds, where nutrients are either washed away through watering or unavailable to the plant through the type of nutrient used. Westland’s technology not only increases flowering and yields, but also builds plant immunity for longer lasting, more resilient plants.
“Our new range of specialist feeds helps gardeners achieve healthier, greener, glossier foliage and more bountiful yields,” said Keith Nicholson, marketing director, Westland. “The feeds have been specially formulated to each plant’s specific growing needs and our technology ensures nutrients are fully utilised by the plant for optimum health, whilst minimising risk of disease. Essentially, they enhance results for gardeners and allow them to get the very best from their growing.”
The range includes: Rose High Performance Liquid Plant Food, Ericaceous High Performance Liquid Plant Food, Hydrangea High Performance Liquid Plant Food, Organic Vegetable Liquid Plant Food and Organic Seaweed Liquid Growth Plant Stimulant.
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